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Explanation Text : Contoh, Struktur, Cirinya dalam Bahasa Inggris

explanation text

Explanation text merupakan teks bahasa Inggris yang menjelaskan proses terjadinya suatu fenomena, baik itu sosial, alam, budaya, ilmu pengetahuan, dsb yang berlangsung di sekitar kita. Adapun kejadian tersebut memiliki hubungan sebab-akibat. Berikut ulasan lengkap mengenai materi explanation text beserta contohnya.

Apa itu Explanation Text?

Explanation Text adalah  teks yang tujuannya untuk menjelaskan bagaimana dan mengapa sesuatu bisa terjadi. Jarang ada yang sadar kalau explanation text sebenarnya ada di buku pengetahuan sekolah. Misal, di buku mata pelajaran biologi ada teks yang menjelaskan bagaimana metamorfosis kupu-kupu.

Perbedaan explanation text dengan procedure text & descriptive text

Lalu bagaimana dengan descriptive text? Mungkin diantara kalian ada yang menyadari bahwa descriptive text punya kemiripan dengan explanation text. Yup, keduanya memang sama-sama menjelaskan, hanya saja descriptive text memberikan gambaran secara spesifik tentang suatu objek bukan proses.

Ada dua tipe dalam penulisan explanation text. Tipe pertama, teks yang menjelaskan mengapa sesuatu terjadi, seperti mengapa kaca berembun ketika kita mandi. Kemudian tipe kedua, teks yang menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu terjadi, seperti bagaimana longsor bisa terjadi.

Explanation text juga hampir mirip dengan procedure text.  Kedua teks itu memiliki ciri yang hampir sama. Perbedaannya terletak di fungsi masing-masing teks. Procedure text menjelaskan bagaimana melakukan sesuatu, sedangkan explanation text menjelaskan bagaimana sesuatu terjadi.

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Ciri-Ciri Explanation Text

Kenali ciri-ciri explanation text atau teks eksplanasi berikut ini, yuk!

1. Menggunakan Simple Present Tense

Penggunaan simple present tense yaitu karena explanation text berisi tentang fakta suatu kejadian atau tindakan. Pahami tenses agar Kamu tidak tertukar dengan tenses lainnya.

2. Menggunakan Passive Voice

Dalam explanation text pasti ada kalimat passive voice. Mengapa? karena teks ini tujuannya untuk menjelaskan suatu kejadian atau tindakan (objek) daripada subjeknya.

3. Menggunakan Chronological Connectors

Hampir semua teks menggunakan chronological connectors. Contoh chronological connectors:

  • First
  • Second
  • After that
  • Next
  • Then
  • Finally
  • etc.

4. Menggunakan Noun, Pronouns, dan Action Verbs

Explanation text sama seperti teks lain yang terdiri dari berbagai noun, pronouns (subject pronoun, object pronoun, possessive pronoun), action verbs.

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Struktur Explanation Text

Berikut adalah struktur explanation text.

1. Title

Explanation text memiliki judul yang bertujuan untuk menarik perhatian pembaca. Judul explanation text biasanya diawali dengan kata how atau why.

2. General Statement

Paragraf pertama berisi pernyataan umum. Mengapa? Agar pembaca memiliki gambaran dari topik yang dibahas.

3. Explanation

Paragraf ini menjelaskan bagaimana atau mengapa sesuatu terjadi.

Closing (Conclusion)

Paragraf yang merangkum keseluruhan isi teks. Bagian ini opsional, kamu bisa menggunakan atau tidak.

Contoh Explanation Text

1. Title : How a Tsunami Happens?


We all know that tsunamis are a series of powerful and destructive waves. Tsunami is the deadliest wave because the wave speed is incredibly fast. But do you know how a tsunami happens?


Tsunami originated from Japan, “tsu’ meaning harbor and “nami” meaning wave. They are normally caused by earthquakes, landslides, or volcanic eruptions in, or close to an ocean. After some sort of underwater disturbance, this causes energy to rise up to sea level pushing the water high into the air. Gravity kicks in and pulls it down again and then consequently causing the water to filter out into many different directions.

When a tsunami begins to approach the shore the energy in the wave is compressed. As a result, the water is pushed up into the wave, resulting in a powerful tsunami. If the trough hits the shoreline first, it then causes the tide to drastically retreat.


So, tsunamis happen because of natural disasters such as earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. People who live near the shoreline have to be careful because they are threatened by tsunamis whenever there is an earthquake.

2. Title : How Rainbows Are Formed


Rainbows, those mesmerizing arcs of colors that grace the sky after a rainfall, have long captivated human imagination. These optical wonders are not magical illusions but rather scientific phenomena, a result of the interplay of sunlight, water droplets, and our eyes.


When sunlight encounters raindrops, it undergoes a process called refraction. As the light bends as it enters the water droplet, it slows down. This causes the light to separate into its constituent colors, ranging from red to violet, due to their varying wavelengths.

The refracted light then reflects off the back of the raindrop. This time, as the light exits the droplet, it undergoes refraction again, bending back into its original path. However, the different colors of light bend at slightly different angles, causing them to spread out.

This separation of colors is what we perceive as a rainbow. The observer sees the rainbow as an arc because the sunlight is only reflected at a specific angle, which depends on the position of the sun, the observer, and the raindrops.


Rainbows, though seemingly magical, are a testament to the wonders of science. They serve as a reminder of the beauty and complexity of the natural world, and their appearance often sparks joy and wonder in people of all ages.

3. Title : The Science Behind Solar Eclipses


Solar eclipses, those awe-inspiring celestial events where the Moon temporarily blocks the Sun’s light, have intrigued humankind for centuries. These dramatic displays are not mere coincidences but rather predictable occurrences governed by the intricate dance of the Sun, Moon, and Earth.


A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes directly between the Sun and Earth, casting its shadow onto our planet. This can only happen during a New Moon, when the side of the Moon facing Earth is dark. There are three main types of solar eclipses:

  1. Total Solar Eclipses: In a total solar eclipse, the Moon completely covers the Sun, creating a momentary period of darkness and revealing the Sun’s outer atmosphere, the corona.

  2. Annular Solar Eclipses: During an annular solar eclipse, the Moon is too far from Earth to completely cover the Sun, leaving a ring of sunlight visible around the Moon’s silhouette, creating a “ring of fire” effect.

  3. Hybrid Solar Eclipses: Hybrid solar eclipses are rare events that exhibit characteristics of both total and annular eclipses.


Solar eclipses offer a glimpse into the intricate workings of our solar system. They remind us of the vastness of the universe and the delicate balance of forces that govern our celestial neighborhood.

4. Title : The Fascinating World of Water Cycle

General :

Water, the elixir of life, is constantly in motion, circulating through a continuous process known as the water cycle. This intricate journey ensures the availability of this precious resource, sustaining life on Earth.


The water cycle begins with evaporation, where solar energy transforms liquid water into water vapor. This vapor rises into the atmosphere, where it cools and condenses into tiny water droplets, forming clouds.

Within the clouds, water droplets coalesce to form larger droplets or ice crystals. When these droplets or crystals become too heavy to be suspended by updrafts, they precipitate back to Earth as rain, snow, sleet, or hail.

Upon reaching the ground, some of the precipitation infiltrates into the soil, becoming groundwater. Other water flows over the land surface as runoff, eventually joining streams and rivers.

Both groundwater and surface water eventually make their way back to the oceans, completing the cycle. From the oceans, the journey starts anew, driven by the Sun’s energy, ensuring a continuous supply of water for all living things.


The water cycle is a testament to the interconnectedness of Earth’s systems. It highlights the importance of conserving and protecting water resources, as every drop plays a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of our planet.


Itu dia penjelasan mengenai explanation text. Masih belum paham? Wah gawat banget. Jaman sekarang Bahasa Inggris udah jadi skill yang wajib dimiliki, lho. Yuk belajar bahasa inggris online di Cakap supaya kamu mahir berbahasa inggris!

Baca Juga:

Passionate about education and crafting captivating content, I am a dedicated Content Writer with 5 years of experience in the education industry. I excel at crafting compelling narratives that educate, inspire, and entertain across various topics and subject matters. With a background in Japanese studies, I bring a unique perspective to writing about Japanese culture and language.

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