9 Contoh Congratulation Card Singkat dan Berkesan dalam Berbagai Tema

Congratulation cards

Kartu ucapan! Katanya, setiap peristiwa dan momen berharga bisa diabadikan lewat kamera, tapi ada hal lain yang juga bisa menjadi kenangan dan saksi dari momen bahagia, yaitu kartu ucapan. Seiring berkembangnya zaman, orang-orang lebih terfokus dan lebih memilih mengucapkan ucapan selamat melalui pesan di WhatsApp dan melupakan congratulation card dalam bentuk fisik. Padahal, kehadiran congratulation card dapat membawa kesan tersendiri lho.

Nah, buat kamu yang ingin mengirimkan ucapan selamat pada temanmu lewat congratulation card, yuk intip susunan kalimat ucapan selamat dalam bahasa Inggris dengan berbagai tema berikut ini! Pastikan kamu memilih ucapan paling manis untuk orang tersayang, ya!

Congratulation Card Tema Wisuda

Congratulation Card Tema Wisuda

Contoh congratulation card 1

Hi, Nia!

Congratulations today and best wishes for all your tomorrows. And, may you always dare to do great things with your life! 

From your best friend,

Contoh congratulation card 2

Dear, Bee

Congratulation, grad! I wish I could be there to give you a hug and tell you in person how proud I am of you!

But it’s okay, I’ll be there soon. For now, just enjoy your graduation cake!

From me,

Congratulation Card Tema Pekerjaan

Congratulation Card Tema Pekerjaan

Contoh congratulation card 1

Hello, Glen

Congratulations on your new job. I know this is your dream job. May you always be blessed and happy in your new workplace. See you on top!

By the way, here’s a little gift for you! Please, save it well!


Contoh congratulation card 2

Hi, John! What’s up?

I woke up in the morning and heard the good news that you managed to land a big project in Kuala Lumpur.

Whoa, good job, man! I am so happy. Congratulations, you deserve this project. I can’t wait to meet you and celebrate this success together!

Warm regards,

Congratulation Card Tema Perlombaan

Congratulation Card Tema Perlombaan

Congratulations on your victory!

Hi, Liam! I heard that you took part in the regional art week competition and won first place. I am so happy and proud to hear that.

Once again, congratulations! You deserve that prize.

With love,

Congratulation Card Tema Kenaikan Kelas

Congratulation Card Tema Kenaikan Kelas

Hello from the Philippines!

Adi, Congratulations on advancing to grade 12! You’ve done your best this semester. As a token of appreciation for your hard work, I have prepared a special gift for you.  I hope we can meet during the school holidays next semester! See you!

Your best friend,

Congratulation Card Tema Pernikahan

Congratulation Card Tema Pernikahan

Contoh congratulation card 1

Dear, Grite and Imran

Congratulations on your wedding!

Finally, your love journey has reached a happy point. I am really happy to be a part of your love journey. I wish I could be there to hug you and take beautiful photos with the happy bride and groom.

As a complement to your happiness, I send a special gift to you. I hope you guys like it!

With love,

Contoh congratulation card 2

Dear, Eva.

I send lots of love and hugs form Paris.

First of all, I want to congratulate you and Jerome on your marriage. I’m sure you two will live happily ever after.

Sorry that I couldn’t attend your wedding, but my prayers are always with you both. On your special day, I send you the gift you’ve always wanted. Hopefully, this gift can fill my presence a little.

Your sweet friend,

Congratulation Card Tema Anniversary

Congratulation Card Tema Anniversary

Dear, my sweetheart!

I want to say congratulations and gratitude on our 5th wedding anniversary.

Thank you for being my wife and accompanying me every day. I hope you and I will always be together and be happier in the future.

If you’re awake, try walking to the living room, I’ve prepared a special gift for you!

Once again, happy anniversary, Aira. I love you, always!

Your hubby,

9 congratulation card di atas bisa menjadi rujukan dan referensi untuk membuat kartu ucapan selamat untuk mengungkapkan cinta dan kasih sayang. So, apa pun moment-nya, jangan lupa selipkan sebaris ucapan untuk mempermanis kenangan, ya!

Biar makin jago menyusun kata-kata menjadi kalimat puitis dan romantis dalam bahasa Inggris, kamu harus terus meningkatkan skill bahasa Inggrismu. Salah satu cara yang bisa kamu lakukan adalah dengan mengikuti kursus bahasa Inggris online di Cakap! Di sana kamu bisa belajar banyak materi dengan fleksibel dan menyenangkan!

Baca Juga:

Saya adalah pencinta sastra dan gemar menyelami tulisan-tulisan lama. Saya percaya bahwa “Menulis, menciptakan ide/gagasan, dan berbagi pengetahuan adalah cara untuk tetap ada dalam pusaran sejarah”.

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