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Analytical Exposition Text: Pengertian, Ciri-ciri, Struktur, dan Contoh

analytical exposition text

Pernah baca koran bagian opini? Biasanya di bagian itu kamu akan menemukan pandangan penulis terhadap suatu isu. Bagian yang pernah kamu baca itu merupakan salah satu contoh analytical exposition text. Setelah mengetahui apa itu narrative text serta jenis text bahasa inggris lainnya, sekarang giliranmu buat tau apa itu analytical exposition text.

Apa itu Analytical Exposition Text?

Analytical exposition text adalah teks bahasa inggris yang tujuannya untuk menyampaikan pandangan penulis mengenai suatu isu. Engga cuman di artikel koran aja, analytical exposition text biasanya ada di jurnal, karya ilmiah, dan sebagainya.

Teks ini merupakan teks argumentatif yang berusaha untuk meyakinkan pembaca bahwa isu yang dibahas merupakan isu penting. Selain mencurahkan isi pikiran penulis, analytical exposition text juga bertujuan untuk memberikan sudut pandang lain kepada pembaca. 

Baca Juga: Ayo Belajar 16 Tenses Bahasa Inggris!

Ciri-ciri Analytical Exposition Text

Setelah mengetahui apa itu analytical exposition text, sekarang giliran kamu mengetahui ciri-ciri analytical exposition text agar lebih memahaminya. Berikut ciri-cirinya:

1. Menggunakan simple present tense

Analytical exposition text menggunakan simple present tense karena hasil pemikiran penulis yang tertuang dalam teks adalah hasil pemikiran saat ini.

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2. Menggunakan causal conjunctions

Causal conjunctions adalah kata hubung yang tujuannya untuk menjelaskan sebab terjadinya sesuatu dan akibat yang ditimbulkannya. Contoh causal conjunctions seperti although, in case, as a result, in order, because, because of, despite, dan sebagainya.

3. Menggunakan internal conjunctions

Internal conjunctions merupakan kata penghubung dua argumen. Contohnya seperti further, first, second, meanwhile, dan sebagainya.

4. Menggunakan evaluative words

Evaluative words digunakan dalam analytical exposition karena bertujuan untuk memberi penekanan pada isu yang sedang dibahas sehingga pembaca merasakan urgensi dari isu tersebut. Contoh evaluative words yaitu important, crucial, threatened, dan lain sebagainya.

Struktur Analytical Exposition

Sama seperti dengan teks pada umumnya, analytical exposition text memiliki struktur penulisan. Berikut ini struktur analytical exposition text yang perlu kamu pahami. 


Dalam teks ini, biasanya di paragraf pertama pembaca bisa mengetahui isu apa yang sedang dibahas. Selain itu, pembaca juga bisa mengetahui pandangan penulis terhadap isu tersebut.


Bagian ini berisi argumen penulis terhadap isu atau peristiwa yang sedang dibahas olehnya. Biasanya terdapat dua pendapat atau lebih yang berfungsi untuk mendukung topik utama.


Kalau kamu udah di bagian ini, berarti kamu udah hampir selesai membaca teks tersebut. Biasanya bagian ini berisi recap dari topik dan argumen yang ditulis oleh si penulis.

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Contoh Analytical Exposition Text

Contoh Analytical Exposition Text tentang Bahasa Inggris

In this modern era, there are a lot of people who still can’t speak English. Actually, there are many benefits of learning English. Here are two reasons why it’s important.

First, English opens new career opportunities. These days, many companies need employees who can communicate with clients from around the world. Usually, it means someone who can speak English because English is an international language. Being a bilingual person, you can get the opportunity to work in a global company.

Second, English tests can get you into schools. You probably already know English tests such as TOEFL and IELTS. If you learn English well enough to pass English tests like TOEFL, you can study in English-language universities across the globe. Although you aren’t going to study abroad, learning English can help you in making the thesis because there are a lot of sources use English languages.

There are indeed many other benefits of learning the English language. But, the two reasons above help us to believe that English is important for our life and by learning English languages we can communicate with many people from other countries.

Contoh Analytical Exposition Text tentang Corona

As we know, the number of people infected with coronavirus is increasing in our country, but there’s an enormous amount of people who ignore wearing a mask. Whereas, wearing a mask is important during Coronavirus or Covid-19. Here’s why.

First, your mask protects those around you. Coronavirus spreads mainly through respiratory droplets like coughing, sneezing, singing, talking. These droplets can then land on the person who’s around you and they may breathe the droplets in. Mask could prevent your respiratory droplets from reaching others. When worn over the mouth and nose, a mask reduces the spray of droplets.  

Second, a mask offers protection to you. The best protection is achieved by wearing a mask like this: It is worn consistently and appropriately; It is made from several layers; The mask is comfortable enough to wear without adjusting it; It stays during talking and moving.

You should wear a mask even you are feeling well. Because people with coronavirus who never develop symptoms or are not yet showing symptoms can still spread the virus to other people. So, wearing a mask could protect you and others.

Contoh Analytical Exposition Text tentang Handphone

Nowadays, people tend to have their own smartphones. Despite others who said a smartphone gives negative impacts, there are still advantages you’ll get from it.

First, it helps you to communicate. With smartphones, you can communicate with the person you loved despite the distance apart. Unlike the previous phone, you could see your family’s face when communicating with the latest smartphones.

Second, it provides entertainment. Getting tired with your job or your daily routine? Grab your smartphone, pick anything that could entertain you like games, social media, or watching movies. With smartphones, you could get away from this harsh reality.

Yes, there are negative impacts of smartphones, but when you use it properly and effectively, you’ll see the benefits, even the cheapest ones. 

Bagaimana? Kamu udah paham bagaimana cara membuat analytical exposition? Setelah kamu mempelajari teorinya, sekarang giliran kamu untuk latihan membuat teksnya.

Kamu bisa latih bikin analytical exposition di kursus bahasa Inggris Cakap. Kamu juga bakal diajarin jenis teks bahasa Inggris yang lain. Makanya, gabung sekarang yuk!

Baca Juga:

Passionate about education and crafting captivating content, I am a dedicated Content Writer with 5 years of experience in the education industry. I excel at crafting compelling narratives that educate, inspire, and entertain across various topics and subject matters. With a background in Japanese studies, I bring a unique perspective to writing about Japanese culture and language.

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