Darmasiswa, Your Chance to Win A Scholarship to Study in Indonesia

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“Indonesia has been everything that I expected and more, and I am truly grateful for the opportunity,” stated Angela.

Angela was one of the chosen foreign students who received the Darmasiswa scholarship. She flew all the way from the entertainment capital of the world, Los Angeles, to the city of Lumpia, Semarang.

Darmasiswa is a scholarship program offered to foreign students who wish to study the language, art, and culture of Indonesia. Originated in 1974 as part of ASEAN initiative, today Darmasiswa program offers scholarship to students from more than 80 countries, including France, Japan, Mexico, and Norway.

Designed to promote the culture and Indonesian language in addition to provide stronger cultural links and understanding among countries, there are a total of 5.719 students from 83 countries who participated in the program. 

If you’re, like Angela, interested in the exploring the huge cultural diversity in the archipelago, this might be your chance. 

Do Your Research

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The first thing you need to do is do your research. Go to the official website and check whether you fit the qualifications. The qualifications to participate in the Darmasiswa program are:

  • Preferably student
  • Completed secondary education or its equivalent
  • Minimum age 17 years and not older than 35 years of age
  • Unmarried
  • Able to communicate in English and additional Bahasa Indonesia (proven by TOEFL/TOEIC/IELTS or other certificates)
  • In good health as proved by Medical Certificate
  • Have basic knowledge of the field you’re applying

Read more: TOEFL and IELTS Speaking Tips

If you find yourself meets all the qualifications, the next thing you should do is find out all the documents required to apply. 

You also need to check the benefits they’re offering. The amount of the allowance you’re able to receive and whether they cover airfare ticket, for instance. 

Don’t forget to also note the program schedule. Therefore, you’re not going to miss when they open the registration.

Choose Your University

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There are 54 different universities located in various cities that you can choose. Do ask yourself: What would you like to get from this experience? What would you like to learn and focus more on? How long would you like to stay there?

Some universities only offer language program, while others have art and culture major. Art & culture major itself has several branches of its own, such as traditional dance, Batik art, and sculpture. 

By asking this question, you can start to narrow down which universities fit your objectives and goals. Make sure to find out in which city the university is in – if it’s a big or small city, in downtown or the countryside – as you will spend at least one month or more there. 

Why We Must Learn Indonesian Language? Start Learning Now in Cakap Apps


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All the hustle bustle eventually leads to the one last yet most important step: apply for the program! 

Put the dates of the registration on your note or calendar so that you won’t skip the deadline. Try not to apply on the last day of the registration so you don’t have to panic and fill the application recklessly.

Find an undisturbed place, relax yourself, and start filling the application form meticulously.

Read more: Exclusive E-Book: Learn Bahasa Indonesia: Beginners Guide

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