13 Contoh Invitation Letter untuk Berbagai Kegiatan

invitation letter

Contoh invitation letter adalah hal yang akan kamu butuhkan suatu saat untuk referensi pembuatan surat undangan dalam bahasa Inggris. Dimana invitation letter diperlukan sebagai bentuk permintaan kehadiran seseorang di hari spesial atau dalam peristiwa penting yang membutuhkan banyak audience.

Tidak hanya sekedar memperlihatkan niat baik, tetapi invitation letter juga harus dibuat dengan menarik. Maka dari itu, 11 contoh invitation letter ini bisa menjadi bahan referensi kamu dalam membuatnya. Tapi, sebelum melihat contoh invitation letter, pahami dulu yuk apa itu invitation letter.

Cek penjelasannya di bawah ini.

Contoh Invitation Letter untuk Berbagai Kegiatan

Apa itu Invitation Letter?

Invitation letter dalam bahasa Indonesia diartikan sebagai surat undangan. Invitation letter adalah surat yang diterbitkan oleh seseorang atau organisasi yang bertujuan untuk mengundang seseorang untuk hadir dalam suatu acara atau kegiatan. Biasanya dibuat sebagai salah satu bentuk permintaan kehadiran seseorang dalam sebuah acara yang nilainya cukup formal.

Terdapat dua jenis invitation letter yang bisa kamu gunakan, yang pertama adalah formal invitation letter (undangan pernikahan, undangan wisuda, undangan wali murid, dsb) sedangkan yang kedua adalah informal invitation letter (undangan pesta, undangan makan malam, dsb) informal invitation letter digunakan dalam situasi tidak resmi dan bisa juga disampaikan melalui media sosial, memo, atau pesan singkat.

Struktur Invitation Letter

Sebelum mengintip contoh invitation letter, kamu harus pahami terlebih dahulu bagaimana struktur yang diperlukan untuk membangun invitation letter itu sendiri. Struktur invitation ini digunakan untuk memperjelas undangan dan menghindari kesimpangsiuran informasi.

Berikut hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat membuat invitation letter:

1. Invite: Siapa yang diundang

2. Body of Invitation: Isi undangan
Dalam body undangan biasanya berisi tentang hal hal berikut ini:

  • Occasion: Untuk acara apa undangan ini dibuat
  • Day or Date: Hari dan tanggal
  • Time: Waktu
  • Place: Tempat acara tersebut diadakan
  • Inviter: Siapa yang mengundang

Buat Akun Cakap Sekarang, Dapatkan Cakap Club Gratis 14 Hari

Contoh Invitation Letter

Salah satu pilihan yang menarik saat membuat invitation letter adalah penggunaan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa perantaranya, baik dalam undangan yang bersifat resmi atau tidak resmi. 

Jika kamu membutuhkan referensi untuk membuat invitation letter dalam bahasa Inggris, kamu bisa temukan apa yang kamu cari di sini! Langsung saja beranjak pada 11 contoh invitation letter yang terbagi menjadi dua jenis, yaitu formal invitation letter dan informal invitation letter.

Contoh Formal Invitation Letter

Terdapat beberapa contoh formal invitation letter antara lain invitation letter wedding, interview kerja, seminar, rapat wali murid, graduation ceremony, graduation party, dan grand opening restoran.

Contoh Invitation Letter Wedding

Bandung, Mei 22, 2021

To: Gaia Adisti

We want to share the joy and blessed moment of our marriage with you.

We write the invitation to invite all of you to come and joy with us at our wedding reception.

Please come on:
Date : Mei 30, 2021
Place : Aula Sabuga
Time : 19.00 PM – end

It’s a blessing for us if you are there and pray for our new life.

Thank you for your attention

My sincere greeting,
Dian dan Dani

Contoh Invitation Letter Interview Kerja

Dear Ilana,

Thank you for your interest in the position of UX Writer at PT Langit Media. We are interested in your profile and would like to proceed with your application further by inviting you to an interview session.

Day/date: Wednesday / March 24 2021
Time: 11.30 AM (Jakarta time)
Place: PT Langit Media
PIC: Falenia

Alongside our meeting, kindly:

Fill out the forms attached to this email (application form and applicant questionnaire).

Go to this link and take the personality assessment: https://www.personal.psu.edu/~j5j/IPIP/. Instruction:

Make sure that these documents are ready: your CV, portfolio (required), and personality test result. Please send back the soft copy to us before the interview date.

Amanda Falena Irani

Buat Akun Cakap Sekarang, Dapatkan Cakap Club Gratis 14 Hari

Contoh Invitation Letter Seminar

Jatinangor, July 17, 2021

To: Mrs. Vania Septa Anugrah, M.Hum

Due to the Karnaval Sastra event, we will hold the seminar on the topic of Indonesian Linguistic and Literature era Modern. We will invite you to be our moderator for this seminar.

Please come on:

Date: Jull 30, 2021
Place: PSBJ hall
Time: 09.00 AM – end

It is an honor for us if Miss Vania is pleased to attend as well as being a moderator at the seminar. Thank you for your attention.

With sincere respect,
Arya Laksa Putra

Contoh Invitation Letter Pameran Seni

Yogyakarta, 7 June, 2021

To: Mr. Jony Jauhari

We would like to invite Mr. Jony Jauhari to attend the painting and photography exhibition of international painters.

Please come on:

Date: June 21, 2021
Place: Art Exhibition Gallery, Yogyakarta
Time: 09.00 AM – end

It would be an honor if you could be present in the middle of our event. Thank you for your attention.

With Sincere Respect,
Ristanti Abaya
(president of art show)

Contoh Invitation Letter Rapat Wali Murid

SMA Negeri 3 Slawi
Jl Ahmad Yamin No 27, Kudaile, Slawi, Kabupaten Tegal
Telephone: (0725) 001002 Fax 12245Tegal, June 12, 2021No: 111/SMAN 3 Slawi/ 06/2021
Attachment: –
Subject: Announcement

Parents of Class XIII
SMA N 3 Slawi

With respect,

In order to prepare for the national exam and farewell party, on this occasion we intend to invite Mr/Mrs to attend the school meeting. This event will be held on:

Day/Date: Monday/June 14, 2021
Time: 08.00 – end
Place : Aula SMAN 3 Slawi

We hope you can give permission for your child to participate in the event. Thank you for your attention

Principal of SMAN 3 Slawi,
Bambang Priyatno, MPd

Contoh Invitation Letter Graduation Ceremony

Bandung, May 01, 2021 To: Bayu Baskara Dear Mr. Bayu Baskara, We would like to invite you and your parents to attend the Universitas Padjadjaran graduation ceremony. The graduation will be held on: Date: May 10, 2021 Time: 14 00 PM – 16.00 PM Place: Graha Sanusi Universitas Padjadjaran We are waiting for your arrival to celebrate the graduation procession at the Graha Sanusi. Please be on time! Thank you for your attention. With respectfully, Public relations team Universitas Padjadajaran

Contoh Invitation Letter for Engagement

Denpasar, May 01, 2021 Dear Biyan Mahesa, We are so pleased to invite you to come and share our special occasion that will be held on: Date: May 07, 2021 Time: 09.00 AM Place: The Ballroom of Rengganis Hotel Event: The Engagement of Rimba and Rini We hope that you are able to come and be a part of our happy moment. Waiting for your best smile, Rimba and Rini

Contoh Invitation Letter Grand Opening Restoran

Bekasi, May 10, 2021 To: Hira Metta Dear Hira Metta, I hope for you to come to my Ceremonial new restaurant (Serendipity Restaurant) This moment will be held on May 15, 2021, from 08.00 a.m until 11.00 a.m. Don’t miss it ya! And do not forget to share this information with our friends! I will be waiting for your coming Thank you, Dara Dirgananta

Contoh Informal Invitation Letter

Setelah mengetahui contoh formal invitation letter di atas, berikut ini terdapat beberapa contoh informal invitation letter yang perlu kamu tahu juga antara lain invitation letter birthday party, baby shower, reunion, dan graduation party.

Contoh Invitation Letter for Dinner

To: All my dearest friend

Hi all, how are you? Along with this, I would like to invite you to join our family for dinner on New Year’s Day. Please come to my house on December 31, 2021, at 07.00 PM until it’s finished.

Mark the date and make sure you join with us! There is no impression without your presence!

With love,

Contoh Invitation Letter Birthday Party

Jakarta, June 01, 2021

Dear Alex Enderson,

How are you? I wish you fine and filled with happiness in your brightest place right now.

Absolutely I will you to come to my 22nd belated birthday! Make sure that you will bring your body and your sincere presence with the prayers.

Please come on June 07, 2021, at 17.00 PM to La Grande restaurant with the dress code ‘casual vintage’

I’m waiting for you to come! Please come before the party was ending.

Thanks for your attention

With love,
Bella Britannia

Contoh Invitation Letter Baby Shower

Jakarta, Augustus 12, 2021

To: Zania Kridanti

Dear Zania,

I hope you’re coming to my baby shower ceremony next week. This moment will be held on Thursday 19, 2021 from 08.00 a.m until 11.00 a.m in my lovely house. Do not miss it! I will wait for your coming

Thank you very much 

With Love
Mira Rianti 

Contoh Invitation Letter Reunion

Dear my all of dearest friend,

Hi Guys! How are you? It’s been a long time since we met.

We want to invite all the alumni of SMA N 3 Slawi to the reunion to celebrate our silver Periode graduation (25th year of pass).

We will organize the event on Augustus 01 2021, In the Historica hotel

Please confirm your ability on Joy (087745xxxxxx).

We hope you all of the alumnus will be there and let’s create our moments together

Thank you very much.

Chairman of the Osis SMAN 3 Slawi 1996
Angga Kusumadirga

Contoh Invitation Letter Graduation Party

Jakarta, June 2021

Dear Diana Dewi,

After sharing a moment together for three years, finally came the time for goodbye!

We will invite you to join our farewell party SMA Tarumajaya.

Please come on:

Date: June 22, 2021
Time: 18.00 PM – end
Place: The Ballroom of Mega Hotel

We hope you will be there and share our last moment with a sweet and warm memory.

With Sincere Love,
Chairman of the OSIS SMA Tarumajaya
Linda Sukma Mega

Itu dia 11 contoh invitation letter yang bisa menjadi referensimu ketika akan membuat surat undangan dalam bahasa Inggris.

Tertarik untuk belajar bahasa Inggris lebih jauh lagi? Kalau kamu mau bahasa Inggrismu lebih mahir dan lancar, Cakap adalah solusi paling tepat untukmu! Cakap menyediakan Kursus Bahasa Inggris yang interaktif dan seru. Di Cakap kamu bisa belajar sambil berdialog langsung menggunakan bahasa Inggris loh! Yuk tunggu apa lagi? Segera daftarkan dirimu di CaKap, ya!

Baca Juga:

Saya adalah pencinta sastra dan gemar menyelami tulisan-tulisan lama. Saya percaya bahwa “Menulis, menciptakan ide/gagasan, dan berbagi pengetahuan adalah cara untuk tetap ada dalam pusaran sejarah”.

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